Static Ads: Single image ad, one destination URL
- Copy
- Text: 40 characters max
- Description: 500 characters max
- Does not appear when viewing the Pin in the home feed or search feed.
- Descriptions are used by Pinterest algorithm to determine relevance for delivery.
- Image
- Format: PNG or JPG
- Recommended Aspect Ratio: 2:3 (1000x1500 pixels)
- File Size: Up to 20MB
Detailed specs
Video Ads: User-initiated video ads, one destination URL
- Copy
- Title: 40 characters max
- Description: 500 characters max
- Does not appear when viewing the Pin in the home feed or search feed.
- Descriptions are used by Pinterest algorithm to determine relevance for delivery.
- Video
- Format: MP4, MOV or M4V
- Encoding: H.264 or H.265
- Recommended Aspect Ratio: 1:1 (square) or 9:16 (vertical)
- Length: 0:04-0:15
- File Size: Up to 2GB
- Thumbnail image
- Should match aspect ratio of video
Detailed specs