Single Image Ads: User-initiated video ads, one destination URL
- Copy
- Headline: 70 characters
- Description: 100 characters
- The latest version of LinkedIn’s mobile and desktop rarely shows description text
- Image
- Format: JPG, GIF or PNG
- Recommended Aspect Ratio: 1:1
- Recommended image size: 1080x1080 pixels
- Images less than 400 pixels wide will display as a thumbnail image
- File Size: 5MB or smaller
Video Ads: User-initiated video ads, one destination URL
- Copy
- Headline: 70 characters
- Description: 100 characters
- The latest version of LinkedIn’s mobile and desktop rarely shows description text
- Video
- Format: MP4
- Audio: AAC or MPEG4, less than 64KHz
- Recommended Aspect Ratio: 1:1 / 16:9 / 9:16, no pillar boxing or letter boxing
- Length: 0:30 max recommended
- Minimum resolution: 640 x 360 pixels (16:9 landscape) / 600 x 600 pixels (square) / 360 x 420 pixels (9:16 vertical)
- File Size: Between 75KB and 200MB
- Frames: 30fps max
- Thumbnail image
- Should match aspect ratio of video
- File Format: JPG or PNG
- File Size: 2MB max
Detailed specs & examples